Sunday, 5 July 2020

This is how we roll (well...spray....)

Hello friends! It has been a couple of weeks and I have been slack with the posting. That's because it has been a whirlwind of activity.

Let's recap what has happened since we last spent a good 5-10 minutes in each other's digital company.

We last left off with the cladding being installed, which was finished with few hiccups and looked fabulous in its primed-ready-to-paint state. We did discover that our eaves aren't square and will be adding trim pieces to rectify the gap.

Reflekt Roof Restorations completed the roof restoration despite a few days of bad weather. After much umming and ahhing, we decided that Colorbond Basalt (a mid-dark blue-grey) was the colour of choice as it would complement and highlight the Monument cladding.

The awesome blokes at Prestige Patios & Decks came to visit and erected a super tall, amazing patio roof for us over the back deck. Firstly they sent their truck out to us with the massive colourbond panels. Due to our awkward cul de sac driveway sitaution, they craned them in (yes I wanted a go at the remote, no they didn't let me, yes I may have sulked till Tim made me a coffee).

We chose to have the roof point up towards the view and overhang the deck on the left side to provide cover for bad weather. Tim picked the super chunky merbau posts that will match our decking wood and colorbond Basalt coloured facings and gutters to match our freshly painted roof.

Once the roof was up, it was time to prep for painting! To keep our reno budget friendly and practical we decided not to clad the rear or back side of the house as these are rarely seen. So last Thursday Tim taped up all the windows and doors while I pretended to help. HEY it's not my fault the big man in the sky gave me short legs and arms #mybestfriendsastepladder


The weekend rolled around and so did I (iso-weight amirite). We picked up the airless sprayer from the good folks at Small Hire & dragged out the 15L tub of Monument paint. Our day basically progressed as per below:

  1. Put on spray suit
  2. Spraaaaay all the things
  3. Whoops got overspray on stuff
  4. Decide to deal with that later 
  5. Coffee
  6. Spray some more
  7. Realise the sprayer eats more paint than Tim eats cheese toast at Sizzlers 
  8. Send Tim to Bunnings for more paint
  9. Sprayer makes weird noise, I worry, I then have lunch
  10. Tim returns with more paint which makes sprayer happy again
  11. Spraaaay all the things
  12. Realise need even more paint
  13. I go to Bunnings and return with more paint
  14. Spraaay all the things
  15. Friend Lindsay comes over and almost falls down hole in deck
  16. Lindsay & I sing the Rocky theme to Tim as he sprays to really pump up his game and provide motivation
  17. Realise we should just buy the Dulux factory as we clearly are the biggest investors 
  18. I go to Bunnings for even more paint
  19. Man at Bunnings says "Back again?" with a knowing smile, I reply with rage fuelled death stare
  20. Lady at paint counter says "Oh this colour has been so popular, we've already mixed up 2 x 15L lots today"
  21. I reply, "Yes, that was me as well"
  22. She says, "Wow you must have a big house"
  23. I maintain polite conversation while dying inside and also hypnotically staring at paint shaker machine (It's like a washing machine but for paint tubs!)
  24. I return with more paint and the threat of divorce
  25. We paint well into the darkness while I complain loudly about sore feet and Tim gives up on life
  26. We pack up, spend 30 minutes flushing the paint sprayer and subsequently discover where all the missing paint went
  27. Shower, clean PJs, squishy blanket, a night of xbox COD and snacks

My best outfit yet

The fatty that ate all the paint

All taped & ready to go

Bye bye cream 

 Like a giant fingerpainting

Our site supervisor Bert (yes we kinda have a peacock)

It should be illegal to look this good

Under the house on the high side (Did someone say future garden) 

 Backside of the house & a pretty sunset

Getting there! & yes we will be getting a new letterbox

That first day saw us finish the Monument colour on the house, with plans to roll the garage with Natural White the following day. However mother nature had different plans as we woke to rain. The painting would have to wait....

(Such an ominous ending)